Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Article review - probe Example1). A Mouse Resource Browser (MSR) was presented, a database of creep databases that indexes 217 publicly available black eye resources under 22 categories and uses a standardised database description framework (the CASIMIR DDF) to go away information on their controlled vocabularies (ontologies and marginal information standards), and technical information on programmatic access and data availability (Zouberakis, et.al., 2010, par. 1).The discourse briefly introduced the take on to achieve the authors identified objective and progressed by proffering the design, implementation and accessibility of the proposed database. The MRB which was the focus of the bind was described as the front-end of a relational, fully normalized PostgreSQL database, and is a typical Java EE application that follows the MVC architectural pattern, generating three vaporific layers the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) layer, the intermediate Session layer and the interface/web layer (Zouberakis, et.al., 2010, par. 5). The general content of the article was explained in greater detail in terms of management, delivery and structure. Likewise, an online questionnaire was designed for curatorial purposes. Several illustrations and graphic representations were provided to diagram the MRB architecture and to depict the online responses, curatorial information, ontologies, and accessibility, among others.Finally, a discussion of the proposed MRBs beneficial contributions to scientists and professionals in the handle of genetics and biomedical sciences was clearly expounded and the source of funding was appropriately acknowledged.The authors were effective in attaining their objective to provide useful information to both bench scientists, who can easily navigate and find all mouse related resources in one place, and bioinformaticians, who will be provided with interoperable resources containing data which can be exploit and integrated (Zouberakis,

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