Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Is Reciprocal Socialization Means And Give 1-2...

1. Describe what reciprocal socialization means and give 1-2 examples that might demonstrate it. Reciprocal socialization is the process by which children and adolescents socialize parents, just as parents socialize them (pg. 260). One example the book given is if the parent is hostile, hostile parenting is associated with negative outcomes for adolescents such as being defiant. I think another example is a client that was mentioned in class she felt as if her existence was the cause of someone’s misery. If her mother never praises her, or tells her that she makes her life miserable, or that life would be easier if she was not born the client responds negatively and cuts herself and feels like a burden. 2. Describe the 4 parenting styles†¦show more content†¦I have walked into apartments where is child is so soiled that its seeping through his diaper and I felt so bad I cleaned him up myself and the mother didn’t even know why I was cleaning him. Indulgent parenting is a style in which parents are highly involved with their adolescents, but place few demand or controls on them. These parents allow their adolescents to do as they please. These parents feel that if they give their adolescent this freedom that it will produce a creative, confident adolescent when really it creates social incompetence. 3. Describe the 4 types of attachment as discussed in your text (there is secure and then the 3 types of insecure) It been found that is psychologically healthy for adolescents to be attached to their parents. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth argue that secure attachment in infancy is central to the development of social competence (pg. 274). Insecure attachments can lead to difficulties in relationship and developmental problems. The book defines secure attachment as an attachment pattern in which infants use their primary caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the environment. It also defines insecure attachment as an attachment pattern in which infants either avoid the caregiver or showShow MoreRelatedUnit 2 PPT Copy4989 Words   |  20 Pagesmeeting, please post your answer to this question. NOTE: There is no right or wrong answer! What do you think could be a possible cause of autism? This week’s agenda: Unit 2! Studies †¢ Multimedia: †¢ Launch ABA Case Study Portfolio †¢ Launch ABA Terminology Game †¢ Readings: †¢ The Autistic Spectrum †¢ Chapter 4 †¢ â€Å"First Causes† pg. 115125/Summary pg. 140-141 †¢ Chapter 13 This week’s agenda: Unit 2! Studies †¢ Search the Capella Library or a professional site (i.e. JABA) for at least ONE scholarlyRead MoreHuman Learning Reflection Paper4297 Words   |  18 Pages Moreover, I take a close look at what characteristics make me an effective teacher and what ethical and moral aspects of teaching I have to consider. Learning Theory and Its Importance I believe that teaching is an art supported by science. 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To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their pro ducts

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Causes And Effects Of Child Abuse - 1044 Words

The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, emotional harm, and risk of serious harm or even death to child. There are four main categories of child abuse: physical, sexual, and emotional and neglect. Each type of abuse has many different signs to show a child is danger. There are many reports of child abuse reported a year in the US. If anyone suspects any sign of child abuse authorities should be notified so the proper action can be taken. Physical abuse includes visible injury such as broken bones, bruises, cuts, scratches, brain damage, sprains, or even death. Sexual abuse can be contact or non-contact. Signs for a child being sexually†¦show more content†¦Everyone has their own way of dealing with different situations and some just turn to child abuse as one form of escaping their problems. Some demographic factors are the age of the parents. The child’s parents might be at such a young age where they don’t understand the whole parenting situation and do not want to turn to anyone for help. The sex of the parent might make a difference as well (Child Help, 2015). A father might be more prone to child acts of child abuse rather than a mother. The sex of a child might play a role as well. Say if a parent wants a daughter but gets a son instead they might not be happy about it and take it out on the child. A parent’s social skill might make them not be in the right state of mind to care for their child. They might be living in an unstable environment or have unstable finances (Joyful Heart Foundation, 2015). Parents might have stress between each other and decide to take it out on the child or just might abuse their child if they were once abused themselves as a child growing up. Depression and substance abuse can play a big role as well. After a situation of child abuse there might be many different outcomes. There will automatically be a relationship between the Criminal Justice System and Child Protective Services for any case reported. Every report will be investigated by CPS, CJS,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Launch of a New Product Line For a Company -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theLaunch of a New Product Line For a Company. Answer: Introduction The launch of a new product line for a company is an essential activity for every organization around the global marketplace. Every company has the product mix, which often consists of hundreds of products that are continually evolving. The evolution includes the old products dying, products that are reaching maturity, products that contribute to rapid growth along with new products produced to reach the loyal together with targeted customers. To achieve a live and enduring launch of a new product line for a company, it requires far-sighted and related development program that directs innovation in line with the objection of the business strategy of a given company (Beard Easingwood 2016, p. 101). Moreover, the advancement of a program for the dispatch of another product offering for an organization incorporates item change, product-offering expansion, and item relaunch, together with item development. The dispatch of another product offering for an organization includes each segmen t of the organization appropriate from its administration to the machine administrator in the line. The launch is profitable if there is an integrated company operation (Liu Schivaldi 2011, p. 632). There is a need for integrated knowledge of the company and its management based on appropriate communication and sympathetic, along with informed leadership. Therefore, this primary aim of this research paper is to show how a company can appropriately launch a new product line. Important traits of project and the process-managing project The launch of a new product line for a company covers not only the technical investigation, but it also includes the total advancement of the use of technology of the company. It also covers the operations of the internal organization, the market activities, and marketing, the customers along with consumers, the technological ambiance that surrounds the business such as competitors. Besides, the launch of a new product line for a company takes into consideration the social and physical environment in which a given company operates. The company has to form the capacity of interrelating its expertise and knowledge with the sophisticated ambiance that surrounds its operations leadings to the successful launching of a new product line (Tang Colla 2012, p. 26). Moreover, there is a need by every company during the launch of the new product to recognize if they lack some of the essential knowledge of the total technology advancement as well as the resources of finding the best techniques to use in launching its new line of products. Therefore, companies have to be selective of the knowledge along with skills that they collect, but they need still to ensure that process of making decision involve the use of advanced technology (Watson 2016, p. 1). The selection of expertise prior the launch of the new product line by the company consist of tactic knowledge already held by employees and employers within the company and advance experience from the outside the company together with expertise from market and product investigation. The management process has to focus on the cultures of the company and the individuals. The focuses on such cultures have the substantial impact on the program of the launching of a new product line for a company. A company might experience different cultures during the launch of a new product line like the high risk or low risk, tactic knowledge users, casually organized or bureaucratically organized, democratic or autocratic among other cultures in creating different types of launching products that comprise of different types of innovations. Some of the customs during the launch might be entirely correct for the time and the place, but organizations need to be fully aware of the decisions they have to make (Talke ColavelliOConnor 2011, p. 953). The team must also understand the influences that affect those decisions, and maybe the need to change such decisions during the launch of a new product line for a company. Therefore, acquisition of new knowledge on the advancement of tech nology aid in improving the cooperations as well as communication, the establishment of new criteria for the development of new product lines, and enhancing different strategies of business regarding innovation (Launch of new company represents more than a change of name 2013, p. 280). Hence, it is essential for every organization to study the degree of innovating products that they achieve during the past few years and then relate the results to some of the critical factors to the successful launching of a new product line. Basic attributes expected of the venture chief and difficulties of overseeing venture in the worldwide business condition Propelling of the new product offering is not what applies to be the place before the basic dispatch date, a venture director would take off and meet with journalists from all the fundamental press outlets. In the wake of propelling, most undertaking chiefs would sit back to watch the articles come in the commercial center (Maus 2015, p. By and by, the pace has gotten numerous constraints just by the speed of light. In addition, the new scene of the media consolidates far less huge outlets as it contains fewer thinned down productions alongside the unnecessary measure of specific sorts of ads. The managers can accomplish the activities of producing quality products for launching by creating the marketing program as well as the comprehensive network of distribution using the brick together with mortar retail outlets, the presence of internet, and the catalog for consumers (Nazar Rakotomahefa 2016, p. 319). The utilization of the multi-channel approach by project managers will enable them, to reach to the niche marketplace for quality personal care products faster and efficiently. The project manager must be someone who can develop crucial several development points like the formation of initial conceptualization of business throughout some form of business plan, creating the initial business processes by applying some form of managing project, launching the project and re-conceptualizing the company as it starts to decline. The significant challenges in managing the project of the launch of a new product line for a company continues to be competition in the marketplace, advancement of technology, shifting in prices, and consumer behaviors. Most global markets experience competition where many companies produce similar products and this make it more difficult for the launching of related products by a different company. The company that launches a new product line might fail to attain huge profits because the already established products in the market might have the best quality as per the requirements of the customers and consumers. Besides, development of technology remains to be the most challenging task that every company has to deal with while launching its new product lines (Talke Colarelli O'Connor 2011, p. 951). Every company must ensure that they embrace the use of advanced technology to reach a massive number of people around the global society. The need to have the technological usage for adv ertisement and communicating with customers about the new product line makes the company utilize massive sum of money. The money used in the ad could have well been applicable in producing more product lines. The use of venture arranging gadgets, for example, Charts of Grant, Critical Path Technique, Plan Evaluation along with Review Technique (PERT), as well as Project of Microsoft The project managers must focus on the use of project planning tools in designing, analyze, as well as representing the different tasks involved in the launching of the new product line. Charts of Grant, Critical Path Technique, Plan Evaluation along with Review Technique (PERT), as well as Project of Microsoft, as tools for project management and evaluation are essential as they assist the manager to understand the time needed to complete every task. The devices also help the project manager during the launching of the new product line for the company to be able to identify the minimum duration required to complete the total activity during launching. Besides, the use of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) incorporates doubt by creating it necessary to plan although not understanding exactly the facts together with time of all the operatioms (Capatina Draghescu 2015, p. 1). The utilization of arranging apparatuses influences the way toward propelling new item to line to be a greater amount of an occasion situated system, instead of begin and culmination situated. Therefore, project managers have to use these projects tools in the launching of the companys new product lines especially where the time continues to be the dominant factor rather than cost (TFP announces new product launch 2016, p. 356). The use of venture arranging gadgets apply to enormous scale, complex, one-time, non-routine infrastructure, as well as in researching and developing projects for launching a new product lens for any given company. Additionally, the use of Grant Charts helps the manager to follow every procedure in launching the companys product lines (Fili 2014, p. 321). For instance, the use of Grant Charts allows the managers to focus on critical path analysis where they cannot start some activities until they finish others prior launching of the new products of the company to the global marketplace. Surveying the undertaking design with specific accentuation on distinguishing and overseeing venture dangers For every project, experienced managers must use well established methodologies of managing any occurrence of project risks. Some of the methods that can be applicable in handling and identifying project risk include project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) or PRINCE2, or they can use in-house methodologies that are particular to the company. The applied techniques of managing and identifying project risks must have some differences in emphasis that the company tends to use slightly different terminology (Browning 2014, p. 231). Besides, the plans must share some key features such as delivering of projects in stages and specific shared processes of managing the launch of new product lines that run across every phase of operation. The first step remains to be the creation of an efficient system of managing the risk that aid in understanding the qualitative distinctions among various types of risks faced during the launch of new product lines by the company (Beard Easingwood 2016, p. 102). The danger faced during the launching of the project falls into different categories such as preventable risks, strategy risks, and external risks. The management of risks requires entirely different structurals and roles for the risk-management duties, but all forms of governance must encourage employees to challenge existing assumptions along with debate information concerning such risks. How effective best practice of employing project management techniques using real-life products as learning tool Skills for project management used for launching the new product line for the company remains to be the essential guide for the project towards finishing line. It stands at the correct place, right from its initial kickoff to final sign-off. Besides, continuous improvement channels from the real life products are sprouting up all over as companies strive to better their operations and gain the edge (Cevc 2014, p. 120). Using real-life product as learning tools, the project manager for the launching of the new product line for the company can borrow tips to improve their operations. Some of the suggestions include the need for finding out who is the reality in charge of operations, establishing the standard understanding towards success, clarifying objectives of the projects, identifying technological issues that affect services and having the practical plan. Moreover, using the real-life product as the learning tool, project management can efficiently employ best practices for planni ng like the establishment of the realistic schedule for the launching of new project lie of the company (Kozak-Holland Procter 2014, p. 249). The company can also use the new learning tool in attaining the right persons to support its operations and keep the project of launching new product lines to move forward. Besides, project management can use the real-life project as a flexible process to plan by ensuring that each operation stays sufficiently adaptable to deal with the inescapable changes that will happen without welcoming the confusion of uncontrolled changes along with extreme scope clamber (Debruyne 2012, p. 168). Therefore, the use of the real-life product as the learning tool by the project management during the launch of the advance invention line of the organization remains to be the best practice as it aid in establishing the active process of reviewing production and operational activities. Conclusion It is essential for project managers from time to time, to study the degree of innovation of different product lines for launch achieved during the past few years. The relation of such past operations by the company will form the critical basis to the successful introduction of the new product line. The administration also has the mandate of coordination of product, processing and market survey on best models to use in the launching of its products. There is a need for the project management to evaluate the marketplace in the early stages and prior launching of projects. Lists of References Beard, C. and Easingwood, C. (2016). New product launch: Marketing action and launch tactics for high-technology products. Industrial Marketing Management, 25(2), pp.87-103. Browning, T. (2014). Managing complex project process models with a process architecture framework. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), pp.229-241. Capatina, G. and Draghescu, F. (2015). Success Factors of New Product Launch: The Case of iPhone Launch. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(5). Cevc, G. (2014). Project Launch: From research finding to therapeutic product. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51, pp.123-136. Debruyne, M. (2012). The impact of new product launch strategies on competitive reaction in industrial markets. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19(2), pp.159-170. Fili, A. (2014). Business angelventure negotiation in the post-investment relationship: the use of the good cop, bad cop strategy. Venture Capital, 16(4), pp.309-325. Kozak-Holland, M. and Procter, C. (2014). Florence Duomo project (14201436): Learning best project management practice from history. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), pp.242-255. Launch of new company represents more than a change of name. (2013). Veterinary Record, 172(11), pp.280.2-280. Liu, T. and Schiraldi, P. (2011). New product launch: herd seeking or herd preventing?. Economic Theory, 51(3), pp.627-648. Maus, C. (2015). The Heterogeneous Accentuation of Economic Content In Vocational Education: A Starting Point for Occupation-Specific Human Resource Development. Organizacija, 48(1). Nazar, N. and Rakotomahefa, T. (2016). Analysis of a Small Company for Software Product Line Adoption An Industrial Case Study. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 8(4), pp.313-322. Talke, K. and Colarelli O'Connor, G. (2011). Conveying Effective Message Content When Launching New Industrial Products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(6), pp.943-956. Talke, K. and Snelders, D. (2013). Information in Launch Messages: Stimulating the Adoption of New High-Tech Consumer Products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(4), pp.732-749. Tang, V. and Collar, E. (2012). IBM AS/400 new product launch process ensures satisfaction. Long Range Planning, 25(1), pp.22-27. TFP announces new product launch. (2016). Reinforced Plastics, 60(6), pp.355-356. Watson, R. (2016). EU to launch new antimicrobial resistance action plan. BMJ, p.i6328.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

International Marketing Strategy Culture of an Organization

Question: Describe about the International Marketing Strategy for Culture of an Organization. Answer: Introduction The Culture of an organization is deeply built on its interpersonal relationships, training materials and policies (Doucette, C, 2016). Nestle is facing many challenges in managing its internal and external factors. Here are some major challenges which Nestle face around the world. Nestls Current Internal Issues Lack of investment in education and training: It is essential to invest on education and training to enhance the efficiency of the employees. Though Nestle is offering training and education program of its own, but that does not seems to be an effective one. Lack of proper Policy of talent acquisition: Nestle Bangladesh has started to follow their international HR policy that is usually not applicable in Bangladeshs perspective. They do not have any proper policy of talent acquisition. High turnover rates: Nestle has always been conducting recruitment regularly which shows that they have been facing the problem of retaining efficient employees. Nestls strategy to solve the problem of arising internal challenges It is obvious that a motivated and a happy employee has the capability to make the guests happy, so Nestle is now focusing to motivate their employee by providing them a better place for work. They make changes in their workplace policies as per the requirement of the employees and giving consideration to the culture and background of their employees (, 2015). A new system is introduced to measure performance, give evaluations and necessary feedback. Empowers service staffs to solve problems on their own and ensure facilities to all the available staffs equally and safe as possible. Nestls Current External Issues Resources shortage: We know that shortage in resources will lead to increase in price and volatility. Due to grain shortfall Nestle has to increase the price of the products (, 2013). In Europe most people have to spend 40-60% of their income on food, and usually on staple food. Horsemeat crisis affects Nestle: Due to the horsemeat crisis there is a widespread fraud across Europe, including Europe (, 2013). As a result many customers started to feel mislead. It is clear that the success of a food industry such as Nestle is truly built on trust. It is the most important asset to the company and should work hard for not losing it. Ways to overcome external issues Nestls CEO, Keynote mentioned in his speech that water scarcity is the main cause behind shortage of food grains and increase in the price of products, in order to resolve such issues conservation of water is must to maintain sustainability in their business activities (Andrei, M, 2015). Trust is an important part that should not be lost. Therefore, Nestle is trying to maintain this trust factor among their potential customers by feeding millions of people with nutritious and safe products (Clark, P, 2014). Conclusion Nestle is the worlds largest food company and has such a history that makes the hardcore industrialists shiver. The major issue of this industry is that they promote unethical promotions, pollution, price fixing and mislabelling. All these unethical practices should be avoided to gain trust from their customers. References Andrei, M. (2015). [Online]. Why Nestle is one of the most hated companies in the world. Viewed 4 October 2016 from Clark, P. (2014). [Online]. Nestle warns water scarcity more urgent than climate change. Viewed 4 October 2016 from Doucette, C. (2016). [Online]. Internal External Factors That Affect an Organization. Viewed 4 October 2016 from (2013). [Online]. Nestle CEO warns water scarcity is major threat to food industry. Viewed 4 October 2016 from (2015). [Online]. How to Motivate and Retain Employees. Viewed 4 October 2016 from (2013). [Online]. Horsemeat: Nestle Withdraws Products In Scandal. Viewed 4 October 2016 from