Friday, August 28, 2020

interracial marriages Essay -- essays research papers fc

The law prohibiting interracial marriage was ended in 1967, and amidst quick racial change, one truth is obvious: A developing number of Americans are demonstrating that we as a whole can get along by framing connections and families that cross all shading lines. In the past couple decades, the quantity of interracial relationships has expanded drastically. Interracial dating and wedding is portrayed as the dating or wedding of two individuals of various races, and it is getting significantly more typical to do as such. Thirty years prior, just one in each 100 youngsters conceived in the United States was of blended race. Today, the number is one of every 19. In certain states, for example, California and Washington, the number is more like one out of 10 (Melting Pot). Since 1960 the quantity of blended race relationships has multiplied each decade (Love’s Revolution). Interracial couples just spoke to an astounding 2% of all couples in 1990, with interracial relationships speaking to just 4% (YGGDRASIL). In 1998, there were 1,348,000 interracial hitched couples. Today, 15% of all infants conceived in the Golden State are of blended race. Somewhere in the range of 1968 and 1989, youngsters destined to guardians of various races expanded from 1% of all out births to 3.4%. There has additionally been an expansion in births to Japanese and White guardians. There are presently 39% a bigger number of births to Japanese-White guardians than births to Japanese-Japanese guardians (in the U.S.). Somewhere in the range of 1968 and 1989, Chinese-White births dramatically multiplied (from 1,000 to more than 3,800). From 1970 to 1991, t...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Advertising Statement Essay

Rosser Reeves was the person who designed the term â€Å"USP†. The Unique selling recommendation is in some cases alluded to as â€Å"product difference.† In uncommon cases, a few items or administrations have an interesting and noteworthy suggestion/advantage. A special selling recommendation is a definitive suggestion since its one that no other contender can guarantee. It must be something that you could likewise sell from. The idea of a special selling suggestion, or USP, depends on an advantage articulation that is both novel to the item and imperative to the client. The core of a USP is a recommendation, which is a guarantee that expresses a particular and one of a kind advantage you will get from utilizing the item. In the event that the item has an exceptional equation, plan, or highlight, especially whenever ensured by a patent or copyright, at that point you are guaranteed that it is really one of a kind. This is the reason a USP is as often as possible set ap art by the utilization of a â€Å"only† proclamation, either by and large or inferred. There are different techniques that can be utilized to discover a USP as it is exhibited in promoting methodologies and thoughts. Procedure in Advertising In publicizing, â€Å"strategy† alludes to the general promoting or selling approach. It is the deduction behind the idea/thought. (The speculation behind the reasoning, on the off chance that you like.) Decisions about selling premises are fundamental to the general publicizing methodology. The procedure (or vital idea) can emerge out of a recommendation/advantage of the item, how it utilized, the market foundation, the decision of target crowd, or any blend thereof. Each methodology ought to have a component of differentiation ( little or enormous ) from the competition’s techniques, as should the procedure idea and crusade. All techniques ought to be written as a procedure articulation, otherwise called â€Å"creative brief†. In any case, there are a few inquiries we should try to reply to cover the zone of key investigation. Contender, best possibilities, and what purchasing bids have the best influence. At the corporate level what happens in the promoting di vision would be viewed as strategic while in the publicizing office this would be viewed as key. * Corporate techniques are worried about the significant elements of the organization, and spread account, human asset the executives, creation, organization, and promoting. * Marketing procedures are worried about ANSOFF’s grid and the showcasing blend. * Promotional techniques are worried about the limited time blend choices (publicizing, deals advancements, PR, exposure, selling, sponsorship, displays). Viable Advertising Publicizing that is compelling makes the message that best communicates the item prospect relationship. What's more, the message must be sufficiently meddlesome to fight through the messiness in the contemporary media commercial center. To arrive at the adequacy in publicizing, an imaginative technique ought to be engaged with the procedure. It needs to sell the item viably by advancing them through savvy and very much planned notice. Inventive Brief While framing a system from which to make thoughts, it should be recorded in a high contrast. This assists with centering and steer the development of thoughts from the beginning. At the point when individuals recommend that a thought is â€Å"off strategy,† they imply that it doesn’t relate back to the characterized methodology, and will accordingly be a lot harder to offer the plan to the customer. By having a methodology explanation within reach, you can continue alluding back to it while producing thoughts from that procedure. It is hard, regardless of whether you are an accomplished innovative, to create an incredible crusade thought (or even a solitary one shot) without a strong, tight technique. So, the better you are informed, the simpler your activity will be. An ineffectively characterized, vogue, â€Å"wooly† brief is no utilization to an imaginative individual, nor is profoundly explicit one that confines the quantity of thoughts. The following are th e essential instances of the headings in an innovative brief, * Client * Product/administration * Product and market foundation (assumption) * Competition * Business/Advertising Objective (issue to explain) * Media * Target showcase/Group/Audience * Proposition/Promise/Benefit * Proposition Support Points * Tone of Voice * â€Å"Mandatories† (Inclusions/Exclusions) Media in Advertising The selection of media relies on the sort of item or administration being publicized, the objective market, and the client’s spending plan. Each crusade can be in one type of media, or different structures. Customary publicizing media incorporates print, TV, and radio. Non-customary incorporates surrounding and guerrilla ideas. What's more, there is immediate media, and intuitive media. In the UK, each kind of media is characterized by its connection to a speculative â€Å"line† that separates the two. Conventional media is â€Å"above the line,† while direct showcasing and intuitive publicizing is â€Å"below the line.† Companies that produce work in all the structures are alluded to as â€Å"through the line† organizations, or â€Å"full service.† Other divisions inside promoting incorporate deals advancement, and business-to-business. While business-to-purchaser publicizing, when the expertise is created, the equivalent imaginative procedu re can without much of a stretch be applied to these different types of media and promoting. Situating All items and organizations, as observed by the client, involve a ‘position’ in the market whether they expect it or not. This may be, for instance, significant expense high worth, low value low worth, significant expense low worth, great organization not all that great organization, etc, when contrasted and tantamount contending items and contending associations. Most present day associations currently endeavor to effectively impact this situation in the market by coordinating item and corporate advantages with the requirements of plainly distinguished sections. The administrators have performed expertly, be coordinated to coordinate the recognized needs of the objective market. Situating is the way the advertiser needs the buyer to see its item comparative with the opposition. Despite the fact that item separation assumes a job in making an item position, item contrasts represent just piece of a product’s position. A situating technique likewise remembers the wa y for which a product’s factors are consolidated, how they conveyed, and who imparts them. The size (and estimation) of the promoting corporate and brand situating is urgent to the prosperity of any organization thus ought to be left to the office proficient. Copywriting Copywriting is a fundamental piece of the plan correspondence blend, and those of us who do it professionally will disclose to you that making back rubs and recounting stories is a compensating mental procedure, even in the business setting. You’ll find that having the option to produce a reaction from your crowd is a significant and profoundly looked for after aptitude. Duplicate (or content, or words) utilized in configuration is an extremely specific kind of experimental writing that requires the motivation of a craftsman and the control of a skilled worker or craftswoman. In contrast with the rails on which the marketing specialist runs, the writer or artist has no restrictions. Verse and narrating are trips of the creative mind, with no customer or news editorial manager to hold up under as a main priority. Regardless of whether the character of the author radiates through straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, this is the most perfect experimental writing †it can take off toward any path, be as anecdotal as it needs to be, and go any place it satisfies. Composing duplicate, in any case, is tied in with adhering to brief, while giving recognition to the inventiveness and style of the writer and narrator. Columnists and marketing specialists are business essayists, however the pith of the job is totally extraordinary. By and large columnist need to make the story from the scratch, for the most part by following leads. They should look into the realities to take care of business, find the various perspectives and sentiments, and unite this material precisely and intelligently. Articles are frequently kept in touch with a firmly characterized structure, while highlights can permit more space for singular articulation and the interlacing of the writer’s perspective. The message must be really right, adjusted, and reasonable, however the author is permitted to take a position, which could mirror that of the paper or, on account of normal segment, the writer’s conclusion. Copywriting acquires from every single other field of writing as its continued looking for inventive articulation, yet there is no space for your character in the duplicate that you compose; you are essentially a recorder, an employed mouthpiece for your customer, and it is the brand’s voice that must come through, boisterously and obviously.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Burjeel hospital ( abu dhabi ) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Burjeel emergency clinic ( abu dhabi ) - Research Paper Example Improvements inside the norms of the social insurance space of the nation have been one of the significant viewpoints, which must be appropriately considered for determining positive results. The norm, which has been polished inside the social insurance industry of the country, is distinguished to stay at standard with the common medicinal services issues in the worldwide business area (Alhyas, Nielsen, Dawoud and Majeed, 2013). The quantity of incessant infection winning inside the nation for example the UAE is noted to be a regularly expanding pattern as of late, which further requests for broad improvement of the area as far as conveying compelling social insurance administrations to the individuals of the nation. So as to secure more inside and out comprehension about the subject of the exploration, Burjeel Hospital of the UAE has been taken into worry for conversation (Burjeel Hospital, 2015). Hence, with this worry, the examination paper means to build up a showcasing plan for the social insurance association for example Burjeel Hospital, which is working in the country for quite a long while. The point of the arrangement will be to guarantee long haul maintainability and achieve upper hand when contrasted with others working inside the general medicinal services division of the country. The medicinal services association picked for this specific research study is Burjeel Hospital working in the district of Abu Dhabi of the UAE. Remarkably, this specific human services association is one of the greatest and most lofty social insurance associations working in the country. Aside from the viability of the social insurance administrations being given to the patients, the medical clinic is likewise known for its loftiness and heavenliness as far as infrastructural improvement. The administration of the human services unit not just put stock in the liberation of value medicinal services administrations to the end clients, yet in addition offering the equivalent in practical way. The association likewise guarantees giving world-class offices to the clients dependent on which they could be relieved as right on time as

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for 5 Minute Presentation Topics List

The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for 5 Minute Presentation Topics List The Pain of 5 Minute Presentation Topics List Presentations are the same. You can select any of the suggested topics to create an intriguing college presentation. School speech topics can be hard to come up with, since you will need to discover a topic which will be intriguing to your classmates. Occasionally it's better to explain a speech instead of create one. Perhaps your teacher would like you to compose a demonstration speech. To begin with, do not have any idea what a demonstration speech resembles. 5 minute demonstration speech ideas will be a lot more different than should you have all of the time you desire. End with something positive, and it's going make your presentation even more memorable. Finally A presentation is a chance. Timing your presentation is, in addition, the only method to know for sure how much time it will take. Making presentation interesting isn't easy! Not all slides are made equal. If you're still uncertain about your presentation, keep reading to obtain a broad range of engaging presentation topics. You may think a brief presentation is simpler to make and give than a long one. You should remember to make your PowerPoint presentation effective and memorable. For brief presentations, your topic selection is vital. My principal lifehack never utilize animations for slides and elements if it isn't required! You'd better add a couple of simple capabilities. Just how to choose a topic about trading Here are some ideas. One of the greatest strategies to choose a topic is to check at what surrounds you. When it has to do with creating a superior PowerPoint presentation, selecting an intriguing topic can define your success. Make certain you do the fundamentals. There's no need to inform you hobbies can be particularly varied and exciting. A bit similar to the desktop version, which means that you are going to have a couple challenges. A wide variety of choices are sometimes a true problem and you are going to have to spend a whole lot of time choosing the topic rather than working on your presentation. A wide variety of topic choices can pose to be a true challenge and might call for lots of time for the selection approach. You have to do what you can to make a huge effect on your audience and be sure that they will retain all of the info you presented to them. To make sure you accomplish your audience with material they can understand and relate too, you need to understand as much about them as you're able to. Simply take the ones which you locate the most relevant to your intended audience and begin your research. Research your audience to learn as much as possible about them. If you're requested to provide a quick presentation, you are going to want to help it become snappy in order for your audience will remember it. It is going to be better in the event that you consider and understand your audience. The audience should understand and make a mental picture of the subject or message immediately. It must be entertained. The Importance of 5 Minute Presentation Topics List Sales professionals, for instance, may want to have long and short versions of the identical presentation topic. Careful planning of your presentation is imperative in the analysis guide. You are going to want to talk about the information on some in more detail since it's more complex. So, the crucial thing is to settle on a topic that you're passionate about and are thoroughly interested in. It's OK to be a bit under, but never examine the time limit. A quick pause between points can allow you to get your bearings. Make sure that the topic is specific instead of broad or gen eralized so you may cover it in five minutes. Nonetheless, it's important to structure your presentation carefully to make certain you make the the majority of the minutes you've got. Up in Arms About 5 Minute Presentation Topics List? One of the very first things you ought to think about is the necessary length of your speech. Better think about and produce the list of the things you like talking the most. You also have the time to include more complex attention grabbers like short videos and animations. Over time, it might even become enjoyable. At many businesses, daily security meetings before work beginning for the day is suitable. Five-minute industrial security topics permit you to communicate prospective threats to wellness at work or around specific workplace equipment or chemicals. Bear in mind you may accelerate your delivery during the true presentation, so aim to account for that. Thus, unique presentation means your own you should locate the issue or propose a solution which you did not found on the web.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Congressman Beyer on Affordable Housing - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1411 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Affordable Housing Essay Did you like this example? Congressman Don Beyer understands the inherent need for the families of civil servants and veterans to be provided with affordable housing to call home. Looking across the Potomac river, Congressman Don Beyer recognized the effectiveness of the Montgomery County program, the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) system, and wishes to apply lessons learned across the river to his constituents in Virginia. Congressman Beyer plans to introduce a legislative initiative that would retool the current program Affordable Dwelling Home (ADH) in order to provide an overwhelming expansion of housing available for civil servants and veterans. Additionally, this initiative will conduct a total review of the application process for determining the need for housing based on the income of an applicant. Congressman Beyer also understands that in order to sustain future ADH development and foster a competitive, well rounded program, the needs of the program must be based upon square footage of housing units, rather than solely basing development of the program on the number of housing units built, so that the district, counties, townships can be better prepared to accommodate the influx of families. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Congressman Beyer on Affordable Housing" essay for you Create order During his tenure as congressman, Representative Beyer has voted in favor of numerous bills that protect the housing of veterans and civil servants in his district and around the nation. Drawing from his legislative and philanthropic record, Congressman Beyer has time and time again shown his total devotion to standing up for the housing rights for all that inhabit this country. In the house, Congressman Beyer is not afraid to stand up to Republicans, but has also shown his willingness to reach across the aisle to his Republican counterparts and reach legislative agreements between parties. The protection of housing rights of not only his constituents by the American people is of the utmost importance to the legislative agenda for Congressman Beyer. Congressman Beyer, a lifelong servant to Virginia and its people, offers a continuation of a positive choice for Virginias 8th Congressional District. Congressman Beyer is committed to fighting for every inch of legislation for Virginia, and will strive to create unbreakable bonds between Virginia and Capitol Hill, while reaching across party lines to better strengthen the standing of the United States. In 1991, social and political scientist Daniel Kelovich authored the book, Coming to public judgment: Making democracy work in a complex world, in which he wrote about the publics attitudes towards issues and credit claiming, and made a compelling distinction between public opinion and public judgment. According to Kelovich, public opinion reflects the current leanings of the public on an issue at any given moment. This then, by its nature, fluctuates at the total whim of the public. Public opinion is not necessarily based upon knowledge of facts, but more reliant upon the emotional ebb and flow driven by the media. Conversely, public judgment can be seen as less susceptible to the emotional ebb and flow of the public and based more upon facts than anything else. Therefore, when a constituency makes a judgment on an issue, according to Kelovich, it means that a semi-total understanding of an issue has been met. The public have checked their sources, collected multiple corroborating o pinions, and have weighed the future implications of a policy. Congress, then, is charged with the task of formulating legislative agendas and initiatives that reflect in theory the judgment of their consistency, as opposed to forming legislative agendas and initiatives based off of public opinion. Virginias 8th Congressional District makes up the better half of Northern Virginia. By the grace of its geographical location, the 8th district is directly across from the Washington D.C. , which means many of the individuals that work across the river for the federal government make up the Districts population. Furthermore, Northern Virginia is home to a handful of major government agencies headquarters; the Pentagon, Fort Myer, Fort Belvoir, Marine Corps Base Quantico, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and the United States Geological Survey all reside within the 8th Congressional District of Virginia. It is not small leap then to identify why Representative Beyer has been the serving champion of the wants and needs for government employees and armed service members. By taking the stance of providing affordable housing to the underprivileged of the government working class, Representative Beyer telegraphs to his constituency that he understand their needs and wishes to endow them with the amenities that should be afforded to them for their service to the country. By providing the voter base with a solid voting record, greater amounts of trust can be endowed upon his legislative agenda. The first paragraph of the policy meme addresses Representative Beyers commitment to enacting policy that would directly impact his constituents, and sets forth a plan of action as to how the Affordable Dwelling Home (ADH) would be retooled to better serve the district. In addition to be connected with his voter base, Representative Beyer has the legislative record and political experience to prove that he will continue to fight for the representation of his constituency and the privileges they wish to be granted and upheld. Cosponsoring bills suchs as H. R. 5602, which seeks to amend the United States Housing Act of 1937 and to establish pass-through lease arrangements for uninhabitable dwelling units, and for other purposes (Affordable Housing Protection Act, section 2, 2018). This amendment to the original 1937 bill would, if passed, would create a safety net for individuals living within affordable housing by providing Any owner of a covered dwelling unit that was rendered uninhabitable shall, if approved by the Secretary, temporarily lease a habitable dwelling unit in another building for the covered resident for the period during which such unit is repaired (Affordable Housing Protection Act, section 2, line 7, 2018). In the second paragraph of the policy meme, Representative Beyers voting record is first hinted at, while maintain that he is still and able to stand up to Republicans, thus showing his total willingness to stand up for his constituency and be their champion in Washington D.C.. In 2017, Representative Beyer co sponsored a bill entitled, Housing Our Heroes Act, which would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot grant program to acquire and renovate abandoned homes for homeless veterans (Housing Our Heroes Act, para 1, 2017). Representative Beyer was one of thirteen Democracy working with five Republicans to introduce the bill to the floor. Showing his willingness to reach across party lines to reach a consensus to benefit the entire country is noteworthy, especially in todays current political climate of polarization. Additionally, in 2017, Representative Beyer toured the construction site of St. James Plaza. As reported by AHC Inc., the non-profit financing the project: St. James Plaza will include a mix of efficiencies, one-two- and three-bedroom apartments. Rents will range from 40% to 60% of the Area Median Income. The property will also include underground parking, a fitness center, and a community room for residents. The building will meet the highest EarthCraft environmental certification. Families are expected to move into the building in mid-2018. By touring public work initiatives, it serves as an indication to the voters more importantly, the underprivileged that will be served by the project that his legislative initiative extends further than the halls of the Capitol building. Furthermore, Gary C. Jacobson, author of The Politics of Congressional Elections, asserts, At the most basic level, people hesitate to vote for candidates they know nothing at all about (Jacobson, 2013, 130). Therefore, the mear action of visiting a construction site of a project allows the voters to have a clear view of Representative Beyers actions, and allows the media to document and project his doings. The act of virtue signaling to his base could have a positive impact on future election and further support for his actions. A combination of the assertions of Gary C. Jacobson and Daniel Selovich indicate that public knowledge of your doings can help inform the judgment of voters, and, as indicated previously, prove to potentially be a powerful tool in campaigning for reelection. To conclude, the path towards success of Representative Beyers potential legislative agenda lies in his ability to inform the judgment of his constituent and entice them to join his camp by providing a solid voting record, while continually attempting to work across the aisle to secure a better future for his district and the nation. The success and caring of voters is paramount, and Representative Beyers voting record and trend as a legislator indicate his total resolve for his district.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Observation From A Small Town With A High School

Observation: (Over one full-page) As we got into the stadium is was very much a shock to me because I come from a small town with a small high school. The atmosphere of this stadium was much more different than what I remember of mine. Back at home it felt like the entire town came out to the game while at this game a ton of students and not as many parents but lots. So during the first half we kind of just observed the students, we watched what they were doing, what they were saying, and how they were acting. A vast majority of the girls were barely dressed, couples were participating in much more than just a simple back rub and the language was pretty vile. What really shocked me is how the adults and younger kids were acting. Literally, the high schoolers and adults were acting the same. The same actions, same skimpy dressing, and same terrible language. And the little kids were not acting the way little kids should be acting. Also the treatment of women for all ages was far less then what it should be : remarks were made, terrible words were said, and inappropriate contact was exchanged. We also looked at the division of student groups in the stands. This really brought me back to the lunch table model. If you looked into the stands you could see each individual â€Å"lunch table†; the Cheerleaders were cheering, the jocks were playing, the â€Å"emo’s† were talking with each other, the partiers were being rude, and many more groups. One thing that really shocked meShow MoreRelatedObservation : Goals, Goals And Goals In Childhood And Life1295 Words   |  6 Pagesgoals, such as high school, work, or even experiences at home. Thus regardless of what hobbies we want as a child, the likeliness of following our dreams as a child is infrequent. These observations will present people of older age comparing their life today with their goals and dreams they occupied as a child. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Discussion on Cancer in Indigenous Australians- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theDiscussion on Cancer in Indigenous Australians. Answer: Introduction According to experts, the age group in which the highest number of cancer cases have been identified are higher among the indigenous Australians as compared to the non-indigenous ones. The incidence rate is considered to be high since the risk factors like amount of alcohol, smoking and other infections are higher in these regions (AIHW, Cancer Australia). Further, cancer screening among these regions are much lower as compared to other regions where non-indigenous citizens reside. Along with this, it can be noted that the number of mortality rates are much higher since the health care services in these areas regions are extremely low as compared to other developed cities. Apart from this, it was also accounted that the national data available to note the number of cancer cases in indigenous regions was not available. A significant insufficiency of data and its analysis team was also recorded. However, in accordance with the data collected during the years 2008 to 2012, around 5,946 new cases of cancer were recorded in Indigenous Australians, of which 2,899 were males and 3,047 were females. These regions include Northern Territory, Victoria, Queensland, South Wales and the Western part of Australia. The frequency of the incidence rate was 484 cases for 100,000 indigenous Australians (Cancer Australia, 2017). The cancer types that are identified to be the most frequent are Lung cancer, Uterine cancer and Liver cancer. The below illustration gives a brief overview of the cancer cases in the five regions as specified in the above paragraphs. Source: Cancer Australia, 2017 Media Item 1: Title: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and Cancer Publication: Cancer Forum Authors: Condon et. al., 2013 Summary: This Media item sheds light on the status of Indigenous individuals when it comes to the number of cancer cases and amount of deaths that are caused by the inadequate health services. It also focuses on the need for improved health care services along with direct efforts. The document also proposes the cause of cancer among indigenous individuals today and stresses on the fact that the number of survivors among non-indigenous groups are much higher as compared to the indigenous groups. Furthermore, it can be noted that the document provides information how the palliative care services that are offered to indigenous groups are very low. However, it highlights the fact that the Australian government is now taking a high number of steps to encounter indigenous cancer cases that are on a rise in the country today. Lastly, the media link has been able to identify a serious gap in the whole diagnosis, provision of timely treatment and the survival models/programs that have been formed and launched by the government. Had the administration taken enough measures from the beginning, the authors state that the situation could have been much better as compared to today. Link to Unit Objectives: The link assists largely in understanding the health perspectives, issues and resolutions that are being witnessed among the Indigenous groups of the country. The research assists in getting a clearer understanding of Module 1 Topic 1 that lays focus on the ill health of indigenous individuals in certain parts of the country. The topic explains the influence of the decision-making powers and the government in general in the ill health of indigenous individuals until now. It addresses the need for the government to take appropriate measures to resolve the problems that are being faced by the people even today. The document also intakes the need for providing palliative care services that are acceptable in accordance with the cultural aspects of the indigenous groups under question. Contribution to the Topic: The media link has contributed largely to the topic as it highlights the statistics involved, the problems that cause the problem of cancer among indigenous groups and the measures that are being taken by the government. Through the research that was carried out by the authors of the paper, it was realized that the government has taken very minimal measures until now and there is a dire need to focus on enlightening the people and offering serious health care services to the indigenous groups. Since there is an absence of suitable detection measures to encounter cancer, the screening processes should be tightened and the people should be educated about the need for improving their health conditions. Personal Reflection: This academic journal was a great read as it produced an excellent insight into the whole problem of growing number of cancer cases among the indigenous groups in the five primary regions of Australia. Though the country has been termed as that of a developed one, it has not been able to take care of the basic health care services that are required by certain important sections of the society. The government needs to focus on improving the screening processes and providing palliative care that is culturally approved by the groups. However, the authors could have also discussed the varied factors that have restricted the indigenous people from taking treatment up until now. If the authors would have highlighted these factors, the research could have assisted the government in further improving the overall structure of the policies and programs that they have launched to help the indigenous groups today. Media Item 2: Title: Lifestyle Cancers in Indigenous Australians on the Rise. Publication: MJA Insight Authors: Mackee, 2016 Summary: Mackee, 2016 has discussed the taken a brand-new approach to foresee the reasons for the growing number of cancer cases in Australia and its indigenous population. The author has laid the blame on the problems in the lifestyle of indigenous people. Earlier, the increase in cancer cases due to lifestyle issues were more prominent among the non-indigenous groups; however, in accordance with the statistics that Mackee was able to collect, the theory has taken a new shape recently. The author also mentions the statistics and their comparisons that have been done to derive the conclusion of lifestyle causing cancer problems among indigenous people today. A record of 84% higher number of lung cancer were registered among indigenous. Certain other statistics include a higher incidence of cancer of head and neck, liver and cervical to be that of 325%, 366% and 120% respectively. Based on the comparisons made during 5 years, Mackee also concluded that the survival ration has been pretty low a mong indigenous people. The author has not just highlighted statistics, but has also added links to the strategies that can be adopted to reduce the number of cases. A startling fact was the increase in infant mortality rates due to cancer. Towards the end, Mackee has written about the need to provide better health care services to enable indigenous people to live in peace and with a head held higher. Link to Unit Objectives: The article can be linked to Module 3 Topic 1 firstly. Since the topic features the lifestyle and culture of the indigenous people and how it is leading to cancerous situations, it can be linked to that particular module. Secondly, Module 2 Topic 1 can also be related to the subject, as the media discussion under this section focuses on how the absence of appropriate health care services have been affecting the indigenous people in Australia today. The resources are scarce as compared to the ones that are available for non-indigenous people in the country. Module 1 Topic 1 also fits in this criterion of achievement of unit objectives as talking about the health of indigenous people and their problems has been clearly discussed. Contribution to the Topic: The article has contributed in understanding one of the primary causes of cancer in the indigenous people. The link has been able to provide some startling facts and statistics recorded in 2016 about the types of cancers that are prevalent due to the problems in the lifestyle of the people today. It has also made a contribution by providing an insight into the strategies that can be used by government and people to alter their conditions and lifestyles to make their place a better place to live in. The articles contribution is also noteworthy as there is a highlight on the other health factors that are a cause of worry for the people in the indigenous regions in the country today. Alcohol and tobacco has been termed as the primary cause of growing cancer numbers in the country. Personal Reflection: The article had helped in getting a closer look at the situation of cancer among the indigenous people from the point of the view of the latest statistics. It was an informative experience to know about the causes that can cause cancer among all types of people and how it can be reduced if the right amount of awareness is spread among the people. I was glad to be able to get hold of this article on the web. It gave way to certain other links that suggested the strategies that could be adopted by the government and the people individually to prevent cancer, reduce mortalities and detect the conditions in time for people to get the right treatment. Media Item 3: Title: The Unspoken Illness: Cancer in Aboriginal Communities. Publication: ABC News Authors: Miller, 2017 Summary: The report that was published by Miller this year on ABC News is among the most interesting ones that has been identified until now. Miller can be seen to have taken a lot of effort to collect interviews of indigenous people who had been facing the problem of cancer since past few years. Miller has pointed out the thought process of people relative to shame, fear and stigma that has become a hindrance for the people to admit to the symptoms and get enough medical care to get treated in time. The writer has certainly highlighted an important factor that the people are less likely to get a diagnosis from a medical practitioner and more likely to die of the disease that they are suffering from. It was noted during research that the indigenous people are highly scared and fear cancer. Hence, Miller went out of the way to interview some people who were suffering from cancer and intake their views on getting treatment and break the taboos that they have to live with each day. The case of one of the individuals was very disturbing where he accepted that he did not go to the doctor for nearly a year after getting the diagnosis. The individual named Rodney Graham was required to travel for at least 700 kilometers from his hometown to get the operation done. Rodney has now taken the initiative to convince others to take the treatment. This factor is indeed a positive step in the direction of the uplift of the people. However, the indigenous community needs more Rodney to be able to encounter the problem in a significant manner. Link to Unit Objectives: This source can be linked to the objective of Module 3 topics that discuss the influence of culture and thought processes of people in the indigenous community and how these factors are leading to increased number of health problems. The findings can also be seen to have a relationship with Topic 2 of the module which discusses the need for creating a working partnership among different communities for them to support each other and strengthening the overall society as a whole, from diverse perspectives. Contribution to the Topic: The media article was chosen as it formed a direct link to the topic that was chosen for this paper. It was able to get a direct comment from the indigenous people who were survivors, are struggling even now and from the family members of individuals who died from cancer. The media article has been able to justify the culture of the indigenous people and their though process directly from themselves. The article has also been an excellent reference to understand the practices that can actually work to lift the people out of the mess of cancer that they are getting deeper into. Miller points out that the people themselves need to support each other and spread awareness before the government can do the same. Interviews of certain individuals made it extremely clear that the people needed to get out of their fear, accept the problem and go out of the way to survive. It was also found that appropriate health care institutions are placed far away from the locations of indigenous people an d hence there is a direct need to reduce the distance by the government. The closer the doctors are, the higher would be the confidence of the people to reach them. Personal Reflection: Millers article brought me closer to the problems that the indigenous Australians are facing today. Since I was able to read the words of the people myself and see the pictures to understand their feelings up close, I was able to get closer to the culture and the thoughts of the people. However, it would have been a better experience, if Miller would have been able to cover the complete experience of one individual and document it for other people suffering in these regions to learn from. I am sure that real life stories of survivors would encourage people to stand up for their rights and get treatment in the nearest facilities. Once the government is able to get a little more confidence that the people have overcome their fears and are more open to treatment, it might make stronger programs to come closer to the indigenous groups and help them grow considerably. Media Item 4: Title: Indigenous Cancer Stats Worse Than Thought Publication: SBS News Author: AAP, 2016 Summary: To summarize the media link that was identified under the SBS News official website, it was important to recall the statistics that were identified earlier in the paper. According to statistics suggested earlier, the amount of gap among the number of cancer patients that were recorded for indigenous groups and non-indigenous groups had reduced largely over the past few years. However, it was also learnt that there were many cases that did not come to light among the indigenous people. The article published by SBS News, clearly states that the number of individuals dying from cancer among the indigenous groups was eight times higher than those among the non-indigenous groups. The author has stated that the disparity is extremely high as compared to the earlier records of two times higher number of deaths in these regions. The article also points out that there was a large lack of resources in the current health care system to judge the right statistics and provide accurate information about cancer among the people. Among other findings, the high frequency of smoking was regarded as the primary cause of so many cancer instances and patients in the indigenous groups. Hence, the need for educating the people has also been attained by researchers who sympathize with indigenous people due to lack of awareness about products that they are using on a daily basis. An approach has also been suggested to make it easier to understand the largest number of people in Australia who actually need support to fight cancer and survive in the early stages of diagnosis, while they still can. Link to Models: The article can be related to a number of models that were discussed in this Unit. Module 2 Topic 1 is among the first with which it can be related to. The topic discusses the health problems that are faced by individuals who inhabited a country during the colonization periods. The indigenous or the aboriginal individuals who are facing the health issues are discussed in this article. The article also relates to many other topics that were discussed in the unit and helps in understanding with real life examples on the lack of basic health care being provided by the government to the indigenous people in the country. Contribution to the Topic: This article published by the SBS News has helped in bringing more focus on the number of deaths that are recorded due to cancer in the indigenous groups. It also talks about the absence of proper health care that can save the lives of indigenous people. It provides more focus on the resources to judge the real condition of the people in these regions. Personal Reflection: Since the article was recently published, I was able to confirm my conclusions on the absence of basic care of health services being provided to indigenous or aboriginals in Australia. Through the article, the increasing number of deaths were confirmed as well. The vitality of the situation is pretty clear and hence, the desperation of closing the increasing gap has become even more stressful. The journey of the indigenous people needs to be respected in a far more greater manner in comparison to that of the non-indigenous individuals. It is estimated that the research paper that I have compiled would be able to assist the government in identifying the right approaches that must be taken to protect the people from cancer along with the other health issues that are prominent. Conclusion To conclude the research, the media links shed immense light on the situation of the aboriginals and indigenous groups in Australia today. The country has witnessed a number of cancer cases in the past. In comparison to the treatment and health care made available for non-indigenous groups in the country, the indigenous people are far lacking behind. It was noted that the culture, the lifestyle and the absence of adequate health care services with respect to treatment and awareness were very scarce. Many cancer survivors have highlighted that they traveled a large amount of distance to get the basic care. It was also seen that the government has not been able to take the right number of steps or initiated programs that could help these individuals largely. Lastly, the number of deaths are also seen to be extremely high due to cancer disease being widespread among other health issues that the indigenous people are facing in five major regions of the country today. Hence, it is high ti me that enough number of steps are taken to support the people and uplift their spirits towards life. Reference List AAP. (2016). Indigenous Cancer Stats Worse Than Thought. SBS News. AIHW Cancer Australia. (2013). Cancer in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia: An Overview. Australian Government: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer Australia. (2017). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Statistics. Australian Government: Cancer Australia. Condon, J. R., Garvey, G., Whop, L. J., Valery, P. C., Thomas, D., Gruen, R. and Cunningham, J. (2013). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and Cancer. Cancer Forum. Vol. 37(1). Mackee, N. (2016). Lifestyle Cancers in Indigenous Australians on the Rise. MJA Insight. Miller, B. (2017). The Unspoken Illness: Cancer in Aboriginal Communities. ABC News.